Want to Help Out?

Corduroy runs on a sliding scale basis, and its shoestring staff is rapidly learning how to bring forth this dream. Want to help? Here are some opportunities, and some things we still need to solve (any and all leads/help appreciated - please email Steph at unmistakablylove at gmail dot com):

  • Anyone have any Tilso trays (or anything similar… semi-flat for writing on top of or holding a plate… light, durable, vintage, cute) they’d be willing to contribute, or sell locally?

  • Anyone have good experience with SEO/basic coding/marketing that could meet with us for a 1-time consult to comb thru the health of our online presence, to help set us up for good visibility in the community? We’re offering 2 free passes to Corduroy events.

  • We’re looking for a great gluten-free bread baker (or bakers) with to partner with. Know someone who might be interested? This could be an established storefront business or a home baker (if a home baker, these guidelines must be followed). For now, we’re looking to buy a couple of loaves a few times a week. (We’re also interested in conventional bread!)

  • Is there a baker in the community that operates on more of a catering/food truck/cart basis? We might be interested in having them take over the food operation (not sure yet, but definitely open to this conversation).

  • We’re auditioning classes! If you have an offering you think would fit with the vibe at Corduroy (can you teach how to thread a sewing machine? how to be a better listener?), we invite you to teach a demo class in exchange for two free passes for Corduroy events… some classes might be picked up for continued offering (at which point we’d renegotiate terms). Contact us!